Dear Parents/Providers,

March 1, 2020


   I hope everyone is enjoying this usually warm winter weather that we have been enjoying this last month!  While we are all looking forward to the Spring please remember to send appropriate clothing (coats/hats/gloves) with the kids to dress warm since we will be participating in fun activities outside at the center and in the community this month.  Talking about Spring…Spring Break is upon us!  Remember to let us know if your family will be out of town or if you will want services during this time frame.  As always if your child is attending services during break or on weekends you will need to send a cold portable lunch with them that they can eat on the go out in the community.


*Please let us know prior to the therapy session if your child will not be attending that day so we can schedule the appropriate staff.



Please Remember the following dates:


March 20-West Ada (K-8) Early Release

March 23-27- Boise Spring Break

March 23-27-West ADA/Kuna Spring Break

March 28-CLOSED



Currently_____________ has ________ in his account. Please send _______ for the month.


Redesign Budget Tracking

___On Track: In line with your child’s Plan of Service

___Over hours: we may need to adjust

___Has some extra hours

*Please call me for further details, if needed


Jamie McInvaille

Habilitative Interventionist                                       

(208) 888-5566     

Cell (208) 616-5962